Another giant hurricane is headed toward Florida. Please send your softening vibes that way. And if you're in that area, or anywhere nearby, here are my loving vibrations to you, your family, and your neighbors.
All of our loving, softening vibrations go a long, long way. This is one way that we embody what we want to see in the world.
This election is weird. People are really at each other. Don't fall for the divide-and-conquer. We need each other. We're all in this together—this is not a cliché.
Look for ways to let in the light at a time when it's easy to shut light out. And look for ways to be the light when it's so easy to see darkness.
Thanks for being on the other side of the screen today—
I have so much love and appreciation for you.
Remember to stay positive, stay shiny, and question every.single.thing.
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